Official Legal Publication serving Lincoln County and the Towns of Arriba, Genoa, Hugo, Karval and Limon
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Local meeting minutes recap


(Editor’s Note:  In an effort to cover more information for the towns in Lincoln County, we are sharing the meeting minutes that have been approved by each entity as they were written. 

Please be aware that these minutes are sometimes more than 4 weeks old.  Only approved meeting minutes can be shared with our readers. 

If anyone would like to cover these meetings in person to provide more timely coverage, please contact us at


Roll Call: Board Members: Patricia Vice – Mayor, Brenden Houder, Joe Hulstine, Absent: Destiny Hulstine – Clerk. Louis Hulstine, Eddie Becker - Maintenance Employees. Stacy Larson-Clerk.  Guests: Troy McCue, Jason Meyer - GMS

Patricia Vice called the regular meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance, Regular meeting, No quorum. No action can be taken. The agenda was looked over.

Business Item: No quorum. Minutes from May 21, 2024, will be approved at the next meeting.

The financial report was read. Bills will be paid. Discussed gas bill.

Correspondence–CML, Colorado Rural Water, CML newspapers, Colorado municipalities magazine, CML business minutes, Bike to Workday is June 26, 2024.

Department reports: Attorney– Nothing new

Clerk–Insurance on phones, switch name to mayor. Eastern Slope fiber line needs to be moved and phone is not work.

Maintenance–Eddie Becker –No update

Water–No update.

Safety report–Get phones fixed. Grant for Tornado siren.

Community and economic development–Troy McCue gave his report.

Code Enforcement –letter needs to be sent to property with violation of nuisance.

Old Business

Monette farms water agreement - Nothing new

Water rate increase–Table until next meeting.

New Business

Water Projects – Jason Meyer. Went through the Town’s water system. Line from pump house to town replacement estimate was presented.

Staff, Council and Mayor Comments - none

Board Comments–Meeting ended at 8:57.

Minutes copied from



Strategic (Regular) Meeting

June 20, 2024

President Janet Kravig called the regular meeting of the Karval School Board of Education to order at 7:13 p.m. in the Karval School library. Board members Terri Harris, Janet Kravig, Shayla McCullough,and Andrew Paull were present. Board member Lisa Crawford joined via Zoom. Anna Stone, Patricia Patton, Shelly Corn, Business Manager Shanna Yochum, and Superintendent Sarah Nuss were also in attendance.

Terri Harris moved to approve the agenda. Andrew Paull seconded the motion. Motion passed 5:0.

Approval of the meeting minutes for the regular meeting on May 16, 2024 and the special meeting on June 6, 2024 was moved by Terri Harris and seconded by Lisa Crawford. Motion passed 5:0.

Audience Participation:

- There was no audience participation.

Congratulations and Celebrations:

- Shanna Yochum got the CBI Audit started earlier this week.

- The stage is painted black now so that it is darkened for plays and such.


- Superintendent’s report:

- Housing Update: The down payment was submitted to Saddlebrooke last week along with the finishings for the homes. We are now waiting for the engineers to get the plans approved through the State of Colorado. After approval comes through, we can move forward soliciting bids for onsite work.

- SAFER Grant: We were successful in getting the SAFER grant.The grant will allow participating schools to receive a CB style radio that connects school districts and a designated channel that puts us in touch with local law enforcement and emergency responders.

- Fleet and Transportation: At the end of the summer, the blue Dodge minivan and the no. 6 bus will be sold by sealed bid. Mr. Ansley will make sure they are ready to go. We will open bids and select a winner at the August meeting. Bus driver training will be held on July 22, 2024.

- Staffing: Open positions for teachers and support staff have been advertised in the

Limon Leader and the Mile Saver Shopper. The K-1 position has been advertised on

Indeed since Mrs. Stone announced her resignation. There have been 10 applicants of foreign nationals that would require a visa to work with us. Although many are highly qualified, none seem to be a good fit for our needs.

- Summer Maintenance: Miss Strickland and Miss Martinez have been working through a lengthy “to do” list of deep cleaning. Mrs. Winters has been lending a hand by overhauling the teacher’s lounge. Miss Patton continues to routine cleaning of the building. The front lawn and tree look much healthier since Mrs. Kathy Stone fertilized it last fall.

- Strategic Planning: Mr. Whetzel asked if we would like to have a teacher/staff input during our strategic planning session on July 19. We will cancel the July regular board meeting so the 19th will be advertised as a work session.

- AD report: None

- FFA Report: State Convention was lots of fun., The kids did really well. Kallie Yoder got bronze in prepared speaking. Rylee Corn made the top 6 in Creed Speaking and received gold. The state officers gave away a stuffed animal named “Pascal” and Karval

FFA received it. When they visited early spring, they asked the chapter members to take the “best” picture. Our chapter was a “bronze” chapter for activities for the year. Their goal is to move up next year. Miss. Patton received an email from the Harbor Freight about the grant we applied for. We were not in the top 50, and learned we need to be more specific on the needs of the chapter next time. Ms. Patton will be attending multiple

PD trainings this summer along with Summer Training for Ag teachers in LaJunta.

- ECBOCES report:

- The BOCES meeting is next Wednesday, which they should find out about their budget at.

- CASB report:

- Nothing to report.

Consent Agenda

- Lisa Crawford moved to approve the consent agenda: 1. Bill Roster; 2. Financial Reports. It was seconded by Andrew Paull. Motion passed 5:0

Discussion Items:

1. Mid-Year Superintendent Evaluation Progress: Sarah Nuss created a document for her goals and professional progress based off of her superintendent evaluation. She created three key areas to focus on and what action have been taken and the outcomes she is seeing in these areas. The board members expressed how they liked the format and how it was easy to follow.

2. 2024-2025 Proposed District Budget: The board discussed the budget that was brought to them by business manager, Shanna Yochum, and superintendent, Sarah Nuss. The board members discussed how the funding for the new teacher housing project is show in the budget, through Fund 43. Terri Harris asked about how the daycare is going to run as she couldn’t remember if they were needing to discuss how the daycare will be funded again. They reviewed and saw that it was budgeted well and it was balanced in the budget. However, Sarah will continue to look for grants. It helps to sustain staffing for the school and is a beneficial program to keep in the school. Sarah Nuss mentioned that they budgeted for a new bus. Sarah wants to look for grants that would support the arts/drama program, and a lift for the Ag Shop. Board election funds were allocated in the chance that an election is needed.

3. Policy 1st reading:

a. KF- Community Use of School Facilities; KF-R: Sarah Nuss included both policies as Karval

School has adopted them from CASB. However, she brought in Kit Carson’s policy as it is short and to the point to see which the Karval board members preferred. A couple board members preferred the current policies because it lacks gray areas. The board members would like to revise the third paragraph of Policy KF to read, “ Any group intended to serve youth under the age of 21 may use school property upon approval by the superintendent and approved by the Board of Education...”. The KF-R policy came to light when Hope Winters has asked Sarah Nuss if she could re-purpose and remodel a Forder building as a coffee shop. It is in the “dreamy” stage currently. Sarah feels that it isn’t out of the question and we could permit it; however she wanted to have the discussion with the board before giving Mrs. Winters an exact answer. The board members felt that liability insurance would be on Mrs. Winters, and it would be a huge undertaking to get the Forder buildings utilities.

4. Policy 2nd Reading:

a. AC- Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity, GBBA- Sex-based harassment, JBB*-

Sex-based harassment: They need to align with the new Title XI. Only revision is to change page “1 of 81” to “1 of 8” on Policy AC.

Action Items:

1. 2024-2025 Proposed District Budget: Shayla McCullagh moved the appropriation resolution as it reads: “Be it resolved by the Board of Karval School District RE:23 in Lincoln County that the amounts shown in the following schedule be appropriated to each fund as specified in the “Adopted Budget” for the ensuing fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025.

General Funding (10): $2,048,715.00 Preschool (19): $9,000.00 Lunch Fund (21): $57,825.00 Pupil Act Spec. Rev Fund (23): $69,000.00 Capitol Project Fund (43): $262,000.00 Pupil Activity Agency Reserve (74): $46,441.00 Total Appropriation: $2,492,981.00”

The motion was seconded by Terri Harris. Motion passed 5:0.

2. Policy 1st Reading: KF: Andrew Paull moved to approve the first reading of policy KF with proposed revisions. It was seconded by Shayla McCullagh. Motion passed 5:0.

3. Policy 2nd reading: AC, GBBA, JBB*: Lisa Crawford moved to accept the 2nd reading of policies AC, GBBA, JBB* with the revision of AC on page one. It was seconded by Shayla McCullagh. Motion passed 5:0.

Discussions of next steps to board strategic agenda:

- Next month we will be canceling the regular board meeting; however, we will be meeting on Friday, July 19, 2024 for a Strategic Planning Workshop with Chris Whetzel.

- CASB will be happening December 5-7, 2024. If we register by August, then we can get hotel reservations for the Broadmore. There is also a big discount for registration if we register early.

Meeting Debrief:

- Board Strategic Planning Work Session will be Friday, July 19, 2024 from 9-1pm.

- The next regular board meeting will be Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 7pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:19pm. It was moved by Terri Harris, seconded by Shayla McCullagh. Motion passed 5:0


Monday, June 10, 2024

Arriba Town Hall, 711 Front Street, Arriba, CO  80804

Call to Order Mayor Marilyn Lightsey called the meeting to order at 6:00. Trustees in attendance included Siobhan Steinsiek, Troy McCue, Ashlee Smithburg, Bob Rush, Carolyn Steinsiek, and Ben VanderWerf. Employees in attendance included Josie Hart and Mike Becker. Public Audience None.

Hospital Update Erica Saffer gave a brief update.

Approval of Agenda Trustee Carolyn Steinsiek moved to approve the Agenda as written.

Trustee Siobhan Steinsiek seconded and the motion passed unanimously. 

Approval of Minutes

Trustee Smithburg moved to approve the minutes from the May 13 regular meeting as written.

Trustee Rush seconded and the motion passed unanimously. 

Approval of Accounts Receivable and Payable

Trustee McCue moved to approve the receivables and payables for May. Trustee Carolyn

Steinsiek seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Bills 

Clerk Hart asked that payment to Kevin Harmon in the amount of $200 (for helping with the water main leak), and reimbursement to Mike Becker in the amount of $681.08 (for a generator) be added for approval.

Trustee McCue moved to approve the June bills for payment, including the payments to Kevin

Harmon and Mike Becker. Trustee Carolyn Steinsiek seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Zoning–Master Plan Nothing new on this.

Water Vault Nothing new on this.

ADA Plan Trustee McCue moved to adopt the ADA Plan. Trustee Siobhan Steinsiek seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

There was discussion on the State’s ADA requirements and how that will affect the Town.

Maintenance Report Mike Becker said that the new in-town well was done. He will be putting a barrier around it.

Mike Becker discussed the fiber companies that have been working in town. There was discussion on billing one company for hitting a water main. Parts, labor, and backhoe use would come out to around $1,000.

He said he has been mowing in the evenings.

He said he would start mosquito fogging this week.

He reported that there is an inspection for the drinking water system next week.

He noted that the homeless people parked a few vehicles on Bob Smithburg’s property on Church Street.

Clerks Report Clerk Hart said the annual dog clinic is Wednesday.

She said she had not talked to the attorney about the process of condemning the building next to Town hall as the owner told her he has been slowly trying to fix it up. The Board said they would like her to still talk to the attorney about condemning buildings in town.

Clerk Hart said there has been nothing new on the water line inventory.

Treasurer’s Report none.

Trustees Report Trustee VanderWerf asked about planning an event for the opening of the time capsule. The time capsule is to be opened July 4, 2026. The Board agreed that planning should begin now for that. There was brief discussion on possibly hiring food trucks or caterers for the event, and to start talking to potential sponsors.

Trustee Rush talked about utility locate training that Mike Becker and Ben VanderWerf could attend.

LCEDC Report Troy McCue gave his report.

Mayor’s Report None.

Adjournment Mayor Lightsey adjourned the meeting at 7:12pm.

Submitted by:   Josie Hart, Arriba Town Clerk             

Signed by:

Mayor Marilyn Lightsey


Monday, July 22, 2024

Arriba Town Hall, 711 Front Street, Arriba, CO  80804

Call to Order Mayor Marilyn Lightsey called the meeting to order at 6:00. Trustees in attendance included Siobhan Steinsiek, Troy McCue, Ashlee Smithburg, Carolyn Steinsiek, and Ben VanderWerf. Bob Rush was absent. Employees in attendance included Josie Hart and Mike Becker. Public Audience None.

Hospital Update none.

Approval of Agenda Trustee Ben VanderWerf moved to approve the Agenda as written. Trustee Carolyn Steinsiek seconded and the motion passed unanimously. 

Approval of Minutes

Trustee McCue moved to approve the minutes from the June 10 regular meeting as written.

Trustee Smithburg seconded and the motion passed unanimously. 

Approval of Accounts Receivable and Payable

Trustee Carolyn Steinsiek moved to approve the receivables and payables for June. Trustee McCue seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Bills 

Clerk Hart asked that payment to Russ Myers in the amount of $210 (repairs to dump truck), and payment to GMS Inc in the amount of $2,376 (water vault project), and payment to Colorado Analytical in the amount of $262 (lab fees) be added for approval. Trustee VanderWerf moved to approve the July bills for payment, including the additional payments. Trustee McCue seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Zoning–Master Plan The Board scheduled a work session for Monday, September 23 at 6:00 p.m. at Town Hall.

Water Vault Clerk Hart said that she, Mike, and Mayor Lightsey met with GMS and Glacier Construction a few weeks ago. Glacier is to start construction on August 12, they plan to have the work completed by August 24. SE & EC Recycling Contract renewal Clerk Hart explained that this is the company that empties the recycling bins on Lincoln Ave. She noted that their fees are increasing in 2025.

Trustee McCue moved to approve the renewal of the contract with SE & EC Recycling. Trustee Siobhan Steinsiek seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Time Capsule Opening Celebration The capsule is to be opened July 4, 2026. There was brief discussion on how the time capsule will be opened.

Maintenance Report Mike Becker said that the fiber construction company had hit a sewer line at 318 Grant Street which Mike ended up fixing.

Mike reported that the drinking water lead and copper testing had been completed.

The Drinking Water Sanitary Survey had been done- 2 violations were noted at the time- bolts missing around an out of town well, and the fumes from the chlorine in the water vault.

Mike said that the tree pile is locked up due to someone dumping a refrigerator back there. There was brief discussion about the wire fence on the east side of the tree pile.

Clerks Report Clerk Hart said that she will not be here for the August 12 meeting, due to schedule conflicts some of the trustees also have with that date, the Board agreed to hold the August meeting on August 19th at 6:00pm.

Treasurer’s Report good.

Trustees Report Trustee McCue noted that ES Tech would like to contribute to a community event as they finish up their fiber project.

Trustee VanderWerf noted that the streetlight on Lincoln and Highway 63 is out.

He was also concerned with a sewer manhole on his RV park- it needs raised. Clerk Hart noted that a sewer manhole at Linda Brent’s need raised also.

Trustee VanderWerf said that the alleys have a lot of sinkholes- Becker said he would start working on them.

Trustee VanderWerf had concerns about the tree pile and wondered if it should be burned down.

Becker said that it didn’t need it yet- maybe after a snowstorm.

Trustee VanderWerf explained that Lincoln County and few other towns in Lincoln County had adopted a ‘non-sanctuary’ resolution. The Board agreed that Arriba should as well. Clerk Hart will write up a proposed resolution to review at the August meeting.

There was discussion about a few houses in town that need cleaned up. The Board discussed starting communication with property owners and possibly start the process of condemning properties not being taken care of.

LCEDC Report Troy McCue gave his report.

Mayor’s Report Mayor Lightsey had complaints about the junk and trash down the alley behind her property.

Adjournment Mayor Lightsey adjourned the meeting at 7:10pm.

Submitted by:   Josie Hart, Arriba Town Clerk             

Signed by:

Mayor Marilyn Lightsey